25 Jun 2019

Commencement 2019

On June 25th the graduation ceremony of our students, Commencement,
took place, undoubtedly the high point of the closing of the academic year which we have been preparing and living so intensively. The graduation of the class of Form 12 and their goodbyes was fulfilled, as usual, with much emotion and joy. The class of 2019 presented itself with pride, very united and especially involved in the party, with many and unforgettable moments, from the messages felt to the musical performance which they brilliantly presented. One by one, they received their finalist diplomas, sharing emotive testimonies about their lives in CLIB. Form 4 and Prep students, also received their diplomas and had “grown-up” honors with the Teachers of Upper and Lower School welcoming each one of the students in the new cycle that soon begins. For ever we’ll treasure the proud smiles, the victorious hugs and those special moments that we’ve shared.