Internal Regulation

CLIB – The Braga International School is a Private School located in Braga, created in 1999.
Its educational project is based on the British educational system, recognised by the Portuguese Ministry of Education. The educational plans have horizontal equivalence to the Portuguese educational system, where the conclusion of the educational cycle occurs when the AICE Diploma (Advanced International Certificate of Education), provided by the University of Cambridge, is acquired.
CLIB was designed to offer an educational program of transnational, modern and academically challenging nature to the students, with an emphasis on the development of competencies linked to new technologies and centred on the student as a person.
CLIB will therefore provide its students the opportunity and conditions to become citizens who are literate, multilingual, multicultural, competent, educated, sensitive to the arts, multifaceted, well-educated, critical thinkers, able to create and manage problems such as conditions to advance knowledge, as well as sufficiently agile to face the challenges responsible for transforming our complex, interdependent and pluralist world.
While exercising the educational and administrative autonomy entrusted upon us, CLIB devises this Internal Regulation to serve as a vital instrument in promoting a sense of responsibility, assiduity, and integration of the students in the School Community, providing an effective environment to acquire knowledge and competencies.
The general rules of the Internal Regulation will be published on the School’s website, and a full version will be made available on the restricted area available to all students, parents / legal representatives and educational guardians.
In this way, on the time of enrolment, registration, or renewal of the latter, parents / legal representatives and educational guardians of the students should recognise CLIB’s Internal Regulation and subscribe to actively accept it, giving it full compliance.


a) The Internal Regulation consists of a group of norms and guidelines regarding the different structures at CLIB, contributing to its proper educational and organisational functioning, making possible its educational project.
b) The Regulation herein apply to the whole of CLIB’s School Community and the people who relate to it, without prejudice to the inclusion of other entities/services, namely the Management Team, teaching and non-teaching staff, students, parents / legal representatives and educational guardians, as well as other employees who work for CLIB, or services providers with functions at it.
c) The Internal Regulation abides to the Portuguese laws, and any situations of omission that may arise are target of the interpretation and decision of the School’s Management Team, based on best practise and the legislation in place.
d) CLIB is a private School containing Pre-School, Junior, Middle and Senior School, divided into three different departments:
i. Infant Department – composed of Pre-Prep and Prep;
ii. Lower School – composed of Reception to Form 4;
iii. Upper School – subdivided into two, composed of Form 5 to Form 8 and Form 9 to Form12.
e) CLIB therefore targets children between the ages of 3 and 18 years.

a) Every applicant will be considered at CLIB despite their race, ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, religion or nationality.
b) The admission of candidates is based on assessment of documentation and an interview (by an interviewing member appointed by the Management Team) with the prospective candidate and his/her family, where essential information about CLIB’s educational model will be provided.

a) The Management Team is responsible for the enrolment, registration and registration renewal of all students.
b) Any student’s enrolment, registration or registration renewal will require the acknowledgement and formal acceptance of the Internal Regulation, as well as the completion and signing of the enrolment form and corresponding accession declaration, thus binding the student, parents / legal representatives and educational guardian to it.
c) The enrolment form marks the beginning of a contractual arrangement between CLIB and the student, when above legal age, or between CLIB and the parents / legal representatives and educational guardian of the student, requiring the signature of both parties in this case.
d) The enrolment, registration or registration renewal will be validated following the submission of the solicited documents and upon payment of the required fees.
e) Upon enrolment and registration of new students, the school uniform should be ordered, being subject to pre-payment.
f) CLIB reserves the right of, upon decision of the Management Team, not accepting or annulling the enrolment and registration of a candidate who raises reservations with regards to the full acceptance and compliance to the Internal Regulation and CLIB’s educational project, or who does not integrate in full in the School Community, as well as the rights of not accepting the registration renewal when the student, parents / legal representatives or educational guardian, throughout the previous academic year, engaged in any action which resulted in the violation of the duties, main or secondary, which ensure this institution, abides to norm number 40.
g) CLIB’s initiative to attract new students through the families of students who are already enrolled works in the following: a family brings a new family and receives a refund of the value equivalent to that of a re-enrolment (€ 180,00) in their bill, notwithstanding the fact that this procedure does not apply to the enrolment of siblings.

a) The educational guardian is responsible for the student within CLIB and must guarantee school attendance, punctuality and discipline of such student.
b) The educational guardian is recognised in the enrolment form as an entity with legal power, according to the Statute of Student and School Ethics.
c) The educational guardian is also responsible, together with the parents / legal representatives or others specified on the enrolment form, for the payment of fees owed by the student who is attending CLIB.

a) Student’s attendance at CLIB is supported by, in every academic year, a contract established between CLIB and the student, when above legal age, or between CLIB and the parents / legal representatives and educational guardian, effective upon the completion of the enrolment form.
b) Attendance at CLIB also implies compliance by students, parents / legal representatives and educational guardians of a group of duties defined in the present Regulation as well as in other CLIB norms.
c) The Management Team is the entity responsible for disciplinary action, and consequently holds the decision-making power in situations of exclusion of students or non-renewal of registration, according to norm number 40.

a) Fees owed for enrolment, registration and registration renewal are posted annually by CLIB’s Board of Directors on the restricted area of the website, together with the monthly fees table, being subsequently communicated to parents / legal representatives and educational guardians, or students above the legal age.
b) The school insurance is included in the registration fees.
c) As well as the fees owed following the enrolment, registration or registration renewal, CLIB will charge parents / legal representatives and educational guardians, or students above the legal age, the expenses that result from the optional services provided by or through CLIB, namely the meal services, activities that complement the curriculum, the extra-curricular activities, the transport, overtime hours, the phone calls, bar consumption, photocopying, amongst others.
d) Upon enrolment, registration, or registration renewal, the payment of the respective fees must be made.
e) Values charged for the fees vary between € 421,00 (minimum) and € 708,00 (maximum), depending on the year and the number of subjects taken by the student.
f) When the fees referred to on the previous paragraph are charged, the payment of the first monthly fee will be charged to all students who have enrolled for the first time at CLIB, as well as to the students already enrolled and belonging to Forms 10, 11 or 12.
g) When time comes to renew student’s registration, CLIB’s Management Team reserves itself the right to charge a deposit of an equivalent amount to two monthly fees, corresponding to the first and last month of the academic year, whenever the parents / legal representatives or educational guardian have not abided to the fee payment obligation during the previous academic year, independently of the sanction specified in norm 39 having been applied or not.
h) The parents / legal representative and educational guardians shall, upon registering the student, or renewal of the registration, provide the necessary data for the use of the direct debit system through which the payments owed to CLIB will be made.
i) The payment of the school fees, extra services, uniform, books and other materials, trips and other services offered by CLIB will be made on a monthly basis, on the first working day of every month, through the direct debit system, taking into account the bills emitted by CLIB through the reserved area of the website, on the last days of the previous month.
j) The direct debit system is the only payment method accepted by CLIB.
k) CLIB reserves the right to withdraw any bank or administrative expenses resulting from the rejection or return of values sent to be charged by the direct debit system, between the values of € 8,00 and € 10,00, depending on what is charged by the bank.
l) The Board of Directors reserves the right to charge a daily extra fee to parents / legal representatives and educational guardians, or students when above legal age, according to what is defined by law regarding late-payment or outstanding monthly fees.
m) The prolonged absence of a student, for any particular reason, implies that the payment of the respective fees should be made to guarantee placement that has been assigned to the student.
n) Under no circumstances will there be a deduction in fees due to absence of students in classes or the non-use of any other services offered by CLIB.
o) In case of a withdrawal from CLIB after the start of each one of the three terms, under no circumstances will any money be refunded and all fees owing up to the end of that same term have to be paid by parents / legal representatives and educational guardians.
p) In case of default of the payment obligation, CLIB reserves the right of applying the measures highlighted in norm number 39 of the present Regulation, and subsidiary or cumulatively apply the debtor control methods provisioned by law.

a) The school calendar is set annually by the Management Team and published on the school website.
b) In the Infant Department, Pre Prep and Prep may attend school during the mid-term breaks and the month of July, so CLIB will only be closed on bank holidays, which are indicated on the school calendar.

a) The school office is open every weekday from 9am to 6pm.
b) In the Infant Department, activities for Pre Prep and Prep start at 9am and end at 5pm.
c) Lower School and Upper School have classes from 8:40am to 4pm, except for exceptions that may spring from subject choices that will eventually not allow for the timetable to be organised during this period, leading to lessons after 4pm.
d) Lunch schedules are as follows:
i. Pre Prep and Prep – from 11:15am to 12:30pm;
ii. Lower School – from 12:20pm to 1:20pm;
iii. Upper School – from 12:45pm to 1:45pm.
e) In the Infant Department, Pre Prep and Prep have a resting period after lunch from 12.30pm to 2pm.
f) All students who are not involved in an extracurricular activity (CLIBclub) are entitled to extended hours after school, which is an optional service at a cost of € 5,00 per exceeding hour in school each day. The time that students leave the school premises must coincide with the time students swipe their cards, so that this register will be used to keep a record of the extended hours.
g) In order to ensure the security of the students, it is vital that parents and family members are not engaging in conversations within the school campus, ensuring this only occurs when they are called into CLIB for specific events.
h) Lower School students who opt for extended hours will be supervised by an assistant in an allocated area.
i) Upper School students who opt for extended hours must stay in the canteen, where they can be with their friends while being supervised.
j) After school, students who opt for extended hours will not be permitted outside the designated areas as there will be no supervision available in other areas and all other school areas will be occupied by CLIBclub activities, or cleaning will be taking place, and there is no supervision.
k) Sports facilities are reserved for CLIBclubs and Sports Teams activities and are not supervised, thus its use is restricted in the period after school.

a) The school gates are open daily from 8am to 9am, for easier access to the school.
b) Parents / legal representatives or educational guardians are the ones responsible to ensure their child has entered the school.
c) Upon arrival in the morning, all students should be left at the entrance to be supervised by an assistant who will lead them to classrooms, so parents / legal representatives or educational guardians should not accompany the students to their classrooms.
d) To access CLIB during school hours, when the gates are closed, visitors must ring the bell on the top gate at Rua da Laje and identify themselves.

a) At the time of the student’s enrolment, a form is provided to the parents / legal representatives and educational guardians to fill out, stating whether they allow their child to participate in local trips or nearby outings, supervised by a teacher and/or assistant, and which will be communicated in advance.
b) Also at the time of the student’s enrolment, the school provides the parents / legal representatives and educational guardians a form to fill out, listing the names of those who are (herein after referred to as companions) authorized to pick up the student from school at the end of activities.
c) Whenever there is any change in the list of companions, parents / legal representatives or educational guardians must inform CLIB, in writing.
d) If parents / legal representatives or educational guardians should need the school to take students to birthday parties, there is a transport service available in which students will be taken in the school bus from CLIB to the designated address, so parents / legal representatives or educational guardians may ask for this service by signing a form, as referred to in paragraph c) of rule 25.
e) A CLIB assistant will be available to call the students when their companions arrive to take them home.
f) Those with authorisation to pick up students must, when necessary, form a line just outside the school premises, in order to inform the assistant at the gate that the student will be leaving so that the leaving time can be accurately registered.
g) The assistant at the gate is also responsible for the daily record of Lower School students’ companions, which is not applicable to Upper School students.
h) Please refrain from making conversation with the assistant at the gate, unless it is related to registering the leaving time of the student from the school gates, or with providing the identification of the person responsible for collecting the student.
i) Parents / legal representatives or educational guardians who wish to allow their child to leave the school without an authorized companion must inform the Office of this intention, in writing, keeping in mind that the time of departure in these cases is at 4pm.
j) All students should leave the school premises when classes end at 4pm, except for the following:
i. students previously signed up for extended hours;
ii. Forum students may use the study room;
iii. students who have CLIBclubs must go to the canteen at 4:10pm to be registered and be picked up by the teacher.

11. MEALS:
a) CLIB has its own canteen which provides a meal service for all students on a daily basis and it offers: a main dish, an optional “diet” meat dish, an optional “diet” fish dish, and a vegetarian dish.
b) Meal choices should be made before the start of each term and booked online by parents / legal representatives or educational guardians, so CLIB will only accept choices completed before the stipulated deadline for each trimester.
c) CLIB will not accept any meal changes after the stipulated date, except if for a special dietary reason on occasion due to illness, which must be informed until 9am on the specific day to be considered.
d) Students who do not want any of the four lunch meal options cannot use the canteen or other location in the school premises to lunch meals brought from home.
e) The cancellation of a meal on a particular day, due to illness or temporary absence, must be renewed on the following day(s).
f) Parents / legal representatives or educational guardians who wish for students to have lunch in school during mid-term breaks, or during the month of July, must make the order of the meals for that specific period in advance.
g) The price of meals is listed in the table of monthly school fees, being the daily meals registered in the canteen with the electronic student card.

a) School textbooks, exercise books (with the CLIB logo) and any other required materials will be supplied by CLIB and the cost will be included in the monthly fee.
b) In some cases, students will be given a list of school supplies they must buy prior to the beginning of each school year.
c) CLIB will not be held responsible for possible changes in titles/editions of books that may occur by suppliers’ demand during the order/delivery process of school books.



a) Access to classrooms is denied without the presence of a CLIB educational staff.
b) Upper School students are not permitted to go to the bathroom during lesson time, except in absolute urgency, therefore are expected to use the break and lunch times for this purpose.
c) All students have an individual locker and are expected to take care of their belongings, know of the contents in their bags and the whereabouts of their things, which will help develop responsibility and autonomy.
d) Eating in the school corridors is not allowed.
e) At the upstairs playground as well at the school entrance, no sports involving a ball is allowed, except Basketball during the morning and lunch time breaks.
f) Smoking is strictly forbidden inside and outside of the school building.
g) Dangerous objects and/or potentially harmful chemical substances are prohibited in school (e.g. sharp-pointed scissors, knives or pocket-knives, sprays, matches, lighters, etc.).
h) Any medication brought into CLIB should be handed in to the Office, clearly labelled with the student name, quantity and time at which the medicine should be taken.
i) Students, individually or in group, will be held responsible for any damage of school property according to their accountability.
j) Poor attitude and behaviour contrary to sensible social conduct towards any member of the school community (students, parents / legal representatives, educational guardians, staff, other employees or services providers) will not be tolerated in CLIB.

a) Vehicles are only allowed to drive in through the designated area, exclusively during opening hours of the gates (8am to 9am), taking into account the children who walk into school.
b) Entry from the top gate at Rua da Lage is restricted for all vehicles.
c) CLIB has an outdoor car park, so it is now allowed to park in front of the gates, playground (between the main door and the exit gate), or any other area of access to the school.

a) Student’s appearance inside the school premises or when representing CLIB outside of school grounds, must be well cared for and respect the established rules related to health and safety, not distracting the work of the remaining students, thus maintaining the order at the school.
b) The use of school uniform is compulsory in all school activities that take place both inside and outside the school premises, in order to preserve rigour and homogeneity within the group, with the exception of trips which have a duration of several days.
c) Clothing worn by students should be clean and presentable at all times, as well as appropriate for the tasks to be undertaken.
d) Clothes which are too bagg or drag the ground will not be allowed.
e) The school uniform is ordered in CLIB by pre-payment and is composed of the following parts:
i. Summer uniform – trousers / shorts / skirt, short-sleeved polo and cardigan.
Lower School and Form 5 students may wear either school shorts or trousers.
Students in Form 6 and above may only wear school trousers.
ii. Winter uniform – trousers / kilt, shirt / blouse, pullover / cardigan and tie.
Shirts / blouses must be worn inside the trousers / skirt.
These pieces should have a proper length so that the belly of the student is never exposed, either standing or while participating in normal school activities (e.g. raising a hand).
The trousers must be worn at waist level.
The skirts should cover the legs to the knee. Girls in Upper School may choose to wear skirt or trousers.
iii. Sports and/or extracurricular activities – tracksuit (pants and sweater), shorts, t-shirt, trainers, swimming shorts and bathing suit.
Forum students should wear the school sports equipment in Physical Education and when representing CLIB in both internal and external competitions.
Students should bring the appropriate kit reserved for sports use on scheduled days according to the timetable and under no circumstances can it be used in place of the school uniform.
The sporting activities in CLIB requires the student to use the necessary and appropriate safety equipment (e.g. helmet, knee and elbow pads for skating).
iv. Art and lab coats – blue and white;
The use of these coats is compulsory for Art lessons and/or experimental nature activities such as work in the Science lab.
Students in Forms 5 to 12 should have both art and science coats: one white for Science and one blue for Art.
v. School cap – wearing school cap is compulsory when the student is exposed to the sun and otherwise it should be kept in the student’s locker or hung on the student’s hanger.
vi. Footwear – the authorised model is navy blue shoes.
f) Students must wear the base uniform (either winter or summer) on a daily basis, with the use of the blue tracksuit, shorts and t-shirt, trainers, or bathing suit reserved for sporting and/or extra-curricular activities.
g) The remaining clothing and accessories must comply with the colours of the uniform: blue, green.
h) Changes to the uniform models approved by CLIB are not allowed, and it is only acceptable to adjust the length and/or width of the parts, provided that it is in compliance with CLIB regulations.
i) Pieces of uniform cannot be substituted for other pieces of a different brand, colour or style and the application of any accessory or design to pieces of uniform is prohibited.
j) Partial or complete exposure of underwear is prohibited.
k) It is absolutely essential that all pieces of school uniform are labelled thus avoiding possible mix-ups with other students.
l) At the end of the school year, all unclaimed pieces of uniform or other student items in the “lost and found” will be donated to needy families.
m) Students who, for the first time, do not use the full uniform or, by using it, disregard the rules of use, will be reprimanded and a written letter will be sent to parents / legal representatives or educational guardians.
n) Repeat offenders who do not comply with the school uniform regulations will be prevented from entering the school until their uniform is correct.
o) In any presentation or event taking place at the end of the day, the use of the uniform is compulsory, well groomed, and Physical Education uniform is not allowed.

a) All of the lost uniform pieces found in CLIB will be returned to its owner if the pieces are properly identified.
b) Parents / legal representatives or educational guardians should check regularly all pieces of uniform of their children for possible accidental mix-ups with other students.

a) The use of artificial hair colours is not permitted.
b) Hair must be worn in a style appropriate to the school environment and the task at hand.
c) Long hair must be appropriately tied up so that it does not interfere with vision or hearing, and any hair accessories used must be discrete. All students are advised to choose a formal hairstyle with appropriate length.
d) The use of sunglasses or hats is prohibited inside CLIB’s building.
e) The use of any clothing or accessories considered profane is strictly prohibited, which includes clothing containing aggressive sentences relating to drugs, alcohol, tobacco or other symbols, images or phrases deemed inappropriate.
f) It is prohibited to hang any objects such as chains on school clothes.
g) Only earrings of a reduced size are permitted and may only be used in a quantity which will not put at risk the health and safety of the other students, thus piercings are not permitted.
h) Only one bracelet on each wrist is permitted, to minimise noise and distraction during lessons.
i) The use of any type of accessory is prohibited during sporting activities.
j) Excessive use of make-up or visual accessories is prohibited, so make-up must be discrete and natural.

a) Students are not permitted to have mobile phones in their possession inside the school premises, so should they need to contact their parents / legal representatives or educational guardians, irrespective of the subject, they may do so in the CLIB Office.
b) All calls made, as referred to in the previous paragraph, will be registered and the value of the call will be charged to the parents / legal representatives or educational guardians at the end of the month and will be included in the monthly invoice.
c) A violation of the rule in paragraph a) of this norm will result in the confiscation of the mobile phone for a period of up to 1 (one) week, depending on the seriousness of the situation.
d) Students may use a laptop or tablet for school projects and research, both at home and in school, but they should keep them in their respective lockers when not in use.
e) Electronic equipment may only be used in classrooms or study rooms with the authorization of the Teacher, in order to promote interaction among students, so the use of such equipment is prohibited during lunch and morning breaks and at times of entry and exit to the school.
f) The use of headphones is permitted in accordance with paragraph e) of this norm, as long as the volume is controlled as not to disturb other students.
g) If the use of a laptop or tablet is deemed necessary for students in Form 3 or 4, the teacher in question will send prior notification to parents / legal representatives or educational guardians and the laptops or tablets will be stored in the computer room when not in use.
h) The use of electronic equipment outside the regulated terms will be subject to the penalty referred to in paragraph e).
i) CLIB has a wireless network which should only be used for class and work projects.
j) Students cannot join the profiles of CLIB staff members on any social network site on the Internet.
k) Students who use social networks as a means to harass or bully other students or to make negative comments about school staff members and/or their work will incur disciplinary action.

a) On occasion, Lower School students may be required to bring food and drinks to classroom parties with the teacher and colleagues, which may include iced tea or other juices, cookies, cakes, chips and popcorn.
b) Soft drinks with gas, lollipops, chewing gum and sweets/candies are not permitted.
c) Parents / legal representatives or educational guardians who wish their child birthday to be celebrated in CLIB may do so by providing a birthday cake that should be handed in the CLIB’s Office before lunchtime.
d) Students are not permitted to bring sweets/candies or soft drinks, and the birthday cake should not be delivered after lunch hour.
e) Parents / legal representatives or educational guardians of Upper School students who wish to send a cake to school should inform the appropriate Form Tutor of their intentions, by email.
f) The Form Teacher will facilitate the sharing of cake during dessert time at lunch.

a) Any personal items brought to school are the responsibility of the student and CLIB will not accept responsibility for damage or loss of any items.
b) If they so desire, students from Lower School may bring educational discreet toys or books that promote interaction with their peers, but such toys and books are the child’s own responsibility.
c) After lessons, all materials and books of Lower School students will be kept in the respective classroom, so students should only take home the books or materials needed to complete homework tasks.
d) Each student has space in CLIB to store books and material, namely an individual locker with or without key, depending if they are Upper or Lower School students.
e) Teachers may confiscate any material or object that interferes with the normal course of teaching activities.

a) In the event of injury or illness, the student will be referred to the CLIB Medical Office and parents / legal representatives or educational guardians will be contacted, as well as an ambulance, should it be deemed necessary.
b) Parents / legal representatives or educational guardians will decide on the place where the student will be transported and assisted, except in more serious or urgent situations, when the student will be sent immediately to the Hospital.



a) All CLIB students have an electronic card, which must always be in their possession.
b) The use of the electronic card is compulsory in each of the following situations:
i. registry of entry into the school;
ii. registry of exit from the school;
iii. lunch in the canteen;
iv. using the bar.
c) The requirement to register school entry and exit is for security reasons, so that in emergency situations it is possible to verify the complete evacuation of all persons who are inside the building.
d) Failure to use the electronic card is equivalent to the lack of compulsory school material and will be sanctioned as such under CLIB Disciplinary Regulations.

a) CLIB’s photocopying and printing system is managed by an external company.
b) Students may print or photocopy in CLIB when necessary and in order to do so, they will be given access to the system with an individual user password upon completion of enrolment, registration or registration renewal.
c) Copies will have a cost of € 0,065 each and will be added to the expenses section of each student’s invoice and will be charged at the end of each term.

a) Study visits will always be communicated to parents / legal representatives or educational guardians, in writing, by email or through the school website, and the message will always indicate times and dates of the respective visit.
b) Parents / legal representatives or educational guardians must authorise / not authorise, in writing, their child’s participation within the stipulated time, thus any such communication made after 5pm of the day before the scheduled trip will not be considered.
c) In school trips, students must wear the school tracksuit or normal clothes, depending on what is stated in CLIB’s official communication, otherwise students must wear the usual school uniform.
d) The Management Team reserves the right to prevent access to field trips of students who show bad behaviour or attitudes contrary to the school regulations or students who fail to follow the required dress code for that particular trip (uniform or other) as indicated in the official CLIB communication.

a) CLIB provides vans for the transport of students to extracurricular activities and small study visits.
b) The collection and delivery of students takes place at the school premises but CLIB may, at the request of parents / legal representatives or educational guardians, collect and deliver students in their respective homes.
c) Parents / legal representatives or educational guardians of students that celebrate birthdays on a school day may contract with CLIB for the transport of invited school students to the place of the respective birthday celebration. This can only take place at the end of the school day and parents / legal representatives or educational guardians of the birthday child and the invited guests should sign the respective presence register at the school Office.

26. BAR:
a) CLIB has a bar service that can be used by students who have permission from parents / legal representatives or educational guardians.
b) Parents / legal representatives or educational guardians of Lower School students may limit the consumption of certain products by informing CLIB’s Office, in writing.
c) The Upper School students are responsible for the management of their bar consumption, but parents / legal representatives or educational guardians may keep track of the consumptions in the respective monthly bills.

27. CLIBclubs:
a) All students, from Reception to Form 12, are allowed to choose between two extracurricular activities, percussion or choir, once a week, included in the monthly fees, according to places available.
b) Students choose their CLIBclub according to the CLIBclub list that is issued at the start of the academic year.
c) CLIB also allows basketball and football lessons to all students from Form 4 to Form 12, with the possibility of representing the school in external competitions.
d) CLIBclubs are suspended whenever there is an interruption to the school day or a school event.
e) CLIBclubs have their own set of rules that are provided for those who are enrolled.
f) The enrolment of a student in a CLIBclub establishes the obligation of that student to attend the activity.

a) CLIB offers a psychological intervention service based on an assessment model for students aged 3 years old and above.
b) The intervention service includes:
i. monitoring the activity of CLIB’s professionals;
ii. individual psychological consultation to unlock the student’s learning difficulties;
iii. advice and guidance on the specific case;
iv. creation of remedial programmes for students, implemented by their teachers;
v. training of non-teaching staff and parents / legal representatives and educational guardians through meetings, conferences and dynamic courses, with the possibility of reflecting on pertinent themes;
vi. school and professional guidance which involves discussion, explanation and recommendations coming from students;
vii. promotion of personal and social development through presentations and discussion of themes that are adapted to different age groups.

a) Parents / legal representatives and educational guardians and respective students from Forms 9 to 12 may express their opinions regarding the date and level of external exams to be sat, with CLIB’s Management Team reserving the final decision, under the following terms:
i. Following consultation with the respective teachers, CLIB Management Team will communicate to parents / legal representatives and educational guardians, in writing, the eligibility of the student to sit an exam;
ii. if the Management Team considers a student eligible to sit an exam, it will communicate in writing to parents / legal representatives and educational guardians, indicating the opportune time and level.
b) Parents / legal representatives and educational guardians cannot enroll their child on a different date or level other than that indicated by CLIB Management Team.
c) The enrolment of students in external exams other than those indicated by CLIB Management Team will not be considered, with CLIB having authority to amend or annul applications, under the conditions communicated to parents / legal representatives and educational guardians.

a) The College application and entry in Portugal is legally established, defining the equivalence regimes of the non-Portuguese courses, such as the ones CLIB teaches, to the Portuguese school, so notwithstanding the fact that the students that finish Form 12 are the only responsible for their College application, weather it is national or international, CLIB may provide its assistance during the referred process, being limited by its knowledge.
b) Notwithstanding the above mentioned in the previous paragraph, students, parents / legal representatives and educational guardians cannot demand that CLIB provides clarification or assistance beyond its knowledge and competences.

a) CLIB’s mandatory services are:
i. attendance to lessons according to the school calendar;
ii. attendance to exams and all school events;
iii. use of school uniform;
iv. payment of fees and extra services that are provided;
v. use of electronic card;
vi. purchase of books and materials;
vii. psychological services and guidance;
viii. external exams;
ix. parents’ meetings;
b) CLIB’s optional services are:
i. college applications assistance;
ii. school transport;
iii. CLIBclubs;
iv. holiday programs;
v. study visits;
vi. canteen;
vii. bar.


a) All CLIB students have the rights that are legally consecrated, namely in the Portuguese Constitution, in the Education System Basis Law, in the Private and Cooperative Education Basis Law, in the Private and Cooperative Statutes regarding lower, middle and upper school, Students and Ethics Statutes, as well as others conferred by this Internal Regulation.
b) The students have the right, among others, to:
i. benefit from quality formation and education on equal terms regarding its access;
ii. be recognized and valued by merit, dedication, work effort and school performance, as well as to be encouraged to do so;
iii. be treated with respect and humanity by any member of the school community and, therefore, cannot, in any way, be discriminated against on grounds of race, ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, religion, nationality or others;
iv. be promptly assisted in the event of an accident or sudden illness manifested in the course of school activities;
v. participate in CLIB initiatives, namely those which promote the formation and leisure activities;
vi. offer suggestions or submit complaints by speaking to the Form Teacher or by submitting a written document to CLIB Management Team.
c) The exercise of the right enshrined in subparagraph v of the preceding paragraph may be temporarily forbidden, in whole or in part, as a result of application of a corrective measure or disciplinary punishment applied to the student.

Without prejudice to other duties provided for in the Internal Regulation, students have, among others, the following responsibilities:
a) To study and engage in their formation and integral education;
b) To be assiduous and punctual;
c) To follow the instructions of the Management Team, teachers and remaining non-teaching staff;
d) To treat with respect and humanity every member of the school community, thus refraining to discriminate on grounds of race, ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, religion, nationality or others;
e) To contribute to the harmony of the school environment and to the full integration of all students in CLIB;
f) To participate in formation and educational activities at CLIB, as well as other activities that require the participation of students;
g) Carry out IGCSE, ALevel and Trinity exams in the years indicated by CLIB;
h) To respect the physical and psychological integrity of all members of the school community and not practicing any acts that violate their physical, moral or patrimonial integrity;
i) To ensure the preservation, conservation and tidiness of the school facilities, teaching materials, furniture and green spaces of CLIB, by making correct use of them;
j) To know and comply with the Internal Regulation, as well as the operational rules of CLIB’s services;
k) To not carry any materials, technological equipment, instruments or devices that can, objectively, disturb the normal functioning of school or leisure activities, or that can cause physical or psychological harm to any student or other member of the school community;
l) To not sell or facilitate the sale of products between students;
m) To repair all damages caused to school community members, equipment, school facilities or other in which occur activities related to CLIB and to compensate the injured regarding the caused damages if it is not possible or sufficient to repair them.

a) School attendance is compulsory.
b) Students should attend / participate in parties and other entertainment activities organised in CLIB during school time.
c) The responsibilities outlined in paragraphs a) and b) above should be safeguarded by parents / legal representatives or educational guardians, thus not allowing students to leave the school before the end of the activities.
d) If a student is being absent from school for any reason, parents / legal representatives or educational guardians must inform CLIB with immediate effect.
e) Parents / legal representatives or educational guardians must inform the CLIB Office, in writing, if their child is unable to participate in normal school activities, whether temporarily or definitively, partial or total.
f) During exam periods, students from Forms 10 to 12 are obliged to attend school at normal lesson times and CLIB will provide a silent supervised study environment for the times students are not in exams.

a) Students, parents / legal representatives and educational guardians should respect CLIB’s starting and closing time, and must inform the Office of any excused leave.
b) Students who do not eat lunch at CLIB must arrive at school before afternoon lessons start, under the condition that on repeat offences, they will be obliged to eat lunch in the school canteen.
c) Upper School students who arrive late for the first school period (morning or afternoon) will not be permitted to enter the classroom until the end of the lesson period, so they must therefore wait for the start of the next period at the school entrance, in an adequate site.

a) CLIB’s discipline culture is one where good behaviour, correct attitudes and good academic performance is rewarded.
b) Students are obliged to obey school rules that are found in this Internal Regulation, as well as in the Discipline Regulation, together with other CLIB rules and, as such, it is expected that parents / legal representatives and educational guardians support the school in upholding discipline.
c) The guiding principles that underpin CLIB presuppose preventative action and promote positive attitudes, but the school has the authority for disciplinary corrective measures in the event of rule transgression.
d) The disciplinary corrective measures are integrated in an intervention programme (assessment, intervention and follow-up) which anticipates the participation of the student’s family, the interaction between the students and their social contexts, as well as the adoption of measures which promote pro-social conduct on behalf of the students.


a) With the intention of promoting parents / legal representatives and educational guardians participation in school life, CLIB calls on those responsible to:
i. present suggestions to improve school life, via email, to the Management Team.
ii. consult all communication that is emitted by the school and that is published on the restricted area of the school website on a daily basis;
iii. collaborate with the Management Team in the preparation of programmes aimed at parents / legal representatives and educational guardians;
iv. participate, when the situation arises, in the preparation and assessment of extracurricular activities;
v. organize fund-raising campaigns.
b) Throughout the year will be organized open classes, known as “coffee mornings”, that allow parents / legal representatives and educational guardians to attend and participate in the daily school activities of their children.
c) At designated times throughout the school year, individual meetings known as “parents’ evenings”, will be scheduled with parents / legal representatives and educational guardians for Teachers (Form Teacher and/or subject teacher) to clarify any situations related to the development of the student in question.
d) Twice a year, parents / legal representatives and educational guardians will receive from CLIB an individual report (progress report) on the evolution of their child:
i. Infant Department students will receive a brief monthly report;
ii. For Upper School students, the end of year report includes a grade for the academic year for all subjects, as well as the summer exam grades;
iii. In the event of an Upper School student not sitting an end of year exam, the grade for that subject will not be included in the progress report, but the student will be allowed to sit a new exam in September of the following school year.
e) The progress report guarantees an accompaniment of the students, making up a fundamental part of their educational lives, enabling analysis of the students’ progress and the type of follow-up that is necessary for their development.

a) Parents / legal representatives and educational guardians must consult with their child’s teachers on a regular basis, booking meetings via the restricted area of the school website and explaining the reason for the meeting.
b) Parents / legal representatives and educational guardians must first speak to the respective Form Teacher or subject teacher in question, before approaching any other CLIB staff member.
c) Teachers cannot be disturbed during lesson time or during any other school activity that they may be involved in under any circumstances.
d) Any non-emergency meeting with the Management Team must be scheduled in advance through CLIB’s Office and parents / legal representatives and educational guardians must state the reason for the meeting via email.


a) In case of default on payment of school fees, exams or any other debts, in terms of amount or deadline, CLIB reserves the right to:
i. deny access to the restricted area of CLIB’s website;
ii. not issue reports and results in respect to that school term;
iii. not issue requested certificates to students, parents / legal representatives or educational guardians;
iv. suspend the student from school until the financial situation is regulated;
v. not enrol the student in the following school year, under the terms outlined in the norm below;
vi. expel the student from CLIB, under the terms outlined in the norm below.
b) The sanctions referred to in paragraph a) will be enforced by CLIB’s Management Team, and their decision will be based on the seriousness of the default of payment by parents / legal representatives or educational guardians.

a) Regardless of the due disciplinary action, if it is deemed to be right or appropriate, CLIB’s Management Team reserves the right to annul the contract between the school and parents / legal representatives and educational guardians, or deny the enrolment of the student that, among any other serious breaches of their responsibilities and obligations, adopt any of the following behaviours:
i. breaches, or repeat, depending on the seriousness, the obligations of any rules or principles outlined in this Internal Regulation or in any other of CLIB’s regulations;
ii. practices, even in isolated cases, acts that reveal gross disrespect to any member of school staff or any member of the school community (teachers, assistants, students, parents / legal representatives and educational guardians);
iii. breaches, in a serious manner, the obligation to attendance, truth, cooperation, courtesy, loyalty and care to the school community and CLIB’s assets and property;
iv. is in possession of, or consumes any type of harmful chemical substances, either inside or outside CLIB’s premises;
v. displays an inexcusable lack of punctuality;
vi. displays a total lack of interest or application in the learning process;
vii. practices, through action or omission, through their seriousness or repetition, acts and behaviors that are incompatible with CLIB’s Educational Project and its general rules.
b) CLIB reserves the right to annul the celebrated contract, or to deny the enrolment of the student in the event that parents / legal representatives or educational guardians:
i. display behaviours or practice acts that are incompatible with CLIB’s general rules;
ii. display acts or adopt behaviour that, either directly or indirectly, damage CLIB’s good name, image, prestige or position, or are capable of offending the credibility, prestige or trust that is due;
iii. are found, at the start of any school term, to be in default of payment of services or expenses that may exist.
c) The measures that the Management Team takes with regard to the termination or opposition to the renewal of the contract will be communicated orally, or in writing, to the parents / legal representatives and educational guardians with respect to minors, or to the student in question, if that student is of legal age.


For the purposes of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (hereinafter GDPR), CLIB’s Personal Data Protection Policy applicable namely to students, parents / legal representatives and educational guardians is as follows:

a) CLIB is the controller of personal data of students, their parents / legal representatives and educational guardians.
b) CLIB has a Data Protection Officer (DPO), which is the person of contact between CLIB and its students, parents / legal representatives and educational guardians for the exercise of their rights regarding personal data, as provided for in norm 49 below.
c) DPO may be contacted through the following contacts:
Address: Rua da Igreja Velha, freguesia de Gualtar, 4710-069 Braga

CLIB will process, among others, the following personal data categories of students, parents / legal representatives and educational guardians:
a) personal information – namely name, birthday date, address, student number, taxpayer number and health card number;
b) parental information – namely names of the parents / legal representatives and educational guardians, contacts, their profession and taxpayer numbers;
c) personal characteristics – namely nationality and naturalism;
d) information regarding attendance and punctuality – namely number of absences and its grounds;
e) educational outcome – namely students’ evaluation results;
f) relevant medical information – namely specific nutritional needs, food intolerances, alergies and other health problems;
g) behaviour information – namely previous suspensions and expulsions from other schools;
h) information regarding child protection;
i) information regarding special needs;
j) bank information.

CLIB may collect and process personal data regarding students, their parents / legal representatives and educational guardians for the following purposes:
a) compliance with legal obligations to which CLIB is subject, including equivalencies, transfers, attendance registration, as well as others arising from legal provision;
b) execution of the educational services agreement concluded between CLIB and parents / legal representatives and educational guardians, or students, when above legal age, namely students’ evaluation, both behavioural and summative, and payment of fees;
c) display of students’ images in activities and events organized by CLIB or in which it participates;
d) marketing and promotion of CLIB to publicise and disseminate internal and external activities and events;
e) protections of students’ interests regarding health matters and physical integrity;
f) CLIB’s protection of property and of the people who frequent its facilities (students, workers, services providers and others), namely through the use of CCTV images and control devices for accessing the facilities.

a) The processing of personal data is performed on the basis of implementation of the educational services agreement and in compliance with legal obligations imposed on CLIB, namely legislation in matters of education, family law and health (cfr. subparagraphs b) and c) of paragraph 1 of article 6 of GDPR).
b) Additionally, personal data collected for the purposes referred to in paragraphs c), d) and e) of the norm abovementioned are based on the consent for the respective treatment, given to CLIB by parents / legal representatives or educational guardians of students, or by themselves, when above legal age, (cfr. subparagraph a) of paragraph 1 of article 6 of GDPR).
c) For the purposes referred to in paragraph f) of the norm abovementioned, CLIB will proceed to processing based on personal data legitimate interest pursued by itself (cfr. subparagraph f) of paragraph 1 of article 6 of GNPR).

CLIB may have to share some of students, parents / legal representatives and educational guardians personal data with other recipients, including:
a) organizations and/or companies affiliated with CLIB, provided that they respect an equivalent policy on personal data protection;
b) public entities to which CLIB is legally obliged to provide information, including the Ministry of Education and other state authorities;
c) processors which provide certain services related to students’ personal data under the terms of a subcontract and with the sole purpose of providing technical / functional assistance to CLIB, namely including food services, website hosting providers, human resources agencies, language institutes / schools, musical institutes / schools, law firms, accounting firms and insurance companies;
d) competent authorities to which CLIB is legally required to disclose information, namely in the course of litigation or in situations of report of technical and/or safety problems, such as judicial bodies or competent control authorities.

CLIB does not utter automated decisions.

a) Without prejudice to legal or regulatory provisions stating otherwise, personal data collected will be kept only for the minimum period necessary to the purposes for which they were collected or further processed.
b) The period of personal data retention may be extended, particularly for lawsuit reasons, criminal or misdemeanour procedures, until six (6) months after the transfer of data to the responsible entities by the respective procedures, or even until res judicata.

The personal data collected by CLIB will not be transferred to any entity established outside the European Union.

a) Students, parents / legal representatives and educational guardians have the right, in accordance with GPDR, to request access to their personal data, as well as their correction or erasure, limitation of the performed treatment, opposition and the right to data portability.
b) If the requests submitted by the students, parents / legal representatives or educational guardians are manifestly unfounded or excessive, particularly due its repetitive nature, CLIB may require the payment of a reasonable fee taking into account the administrative cost of providing the information or communications, or of taking the requested action, but CLIB might also refuse to comply with the request.
c) With regard to personal data processed by CLIB under given consent by students, parents / legal representatives or educational guardians, they all have the right to withdraw consent, notwithstanding the fact that the exercise of this right would not compromise the lawfulness of the processing performed based on the previously given consent.
d) Students, parents / legal representatives and educational guardians have the right to file complaints with the National Data Protection Commission.

a) Parents / legal representative and educational guardians of students, or the latter, when above legal age, are obliged to provide personal data whenever it is concerned the fulfilment of the objectives set forth in paragraphs a), b) and e) of the norm 43 abovementioned, being the communication of these personal data a legal or contractual obligation for them.
b) The non-communication of the personal data referred in the previous paragraph constitutes CLIB in a failure to comply legal obligations imposed on it.
c) If there is no communication regarding the personal data deemed necessary to fulfil the purpose referred to in paragraph e) of norm 43, CLIB may not be held responsible for any students’ damages due to lack of information regarding those personal data.

a) CLIB applies technical and organizational measures to ensure an appropriate level of security regarding the risk to keep in storage the personal data of its students.
b) CLIB has an IT system with the capability to resist, with a high level of confidence, to accidental events or unlawful or malicious actions that may compromise the availability, authenticity, integrity and confidentiality of stored or transmitted personal data, as well as the safety of related services offered by or accessible via these networks and systems.

The attached document is also part of the internal regulations, with its own evaluation criteria and process.

Do you have any questions?