Internal Regulation

This is a simplified version of the document. A more detailed version is available in the restricted area.

CLIB – The Braga International School is a Private School located in Braga, created in 1999.

Its educational project is based on the British educational system, recognised by the Portuguese Ministry of Education. The educational plans have horizontal equivalence to the Portuguese educational system, where the conclusion of the educational cycle occurs when the AICE Diploma (Advanced International Certificate of Education), provided by the University of Cambridge, is acquired.

CLIB was designed to offer an educational program of transnational, modern and academically challenging nature to the students, with an emphasis on the development of competencies linked to new technologies and centred on the student as a person.

CLIB’s educational plan guarantees the right of all children and students to access and participate, in a full and effective way, in the same educational contexts, promoting the intervention of a multidisciplinary team, in order to accompany children and young people. who need a timely and individualized response, given the potential challenges of their school career, thus complying with the provisions of -Law nº 54/2018, concerning Inclusive Education.

CLIB will therefore provide its students the opportunity and conditions to become citizens who are literate, multilingual, multicultural, competent, educated, sensitive to the arts, multifaceted, well-educated, critical thinkers, able to create and manage problems such as conditions to advance knowledge, as well as sufficiently agile to face the challenges responsible for transforming our complex, interdependent and pluralist world.

While exercising the educational and administrative autonomy entrusted upon us, CLIB devises this Internal Regulation to serve as a vital instrument in promoting a sense of responsibility, assiduity, and integration of the students in the School Community, providing an effective environment to acquire knowledge and competencies.

The general rules of the Internal Regulation will be published on the School’s website, and a full version will be made available on the restricted area available to all students, parents / legal representatives and educational guardians.

In this way, on the time of enrolment, registration, or renewal of the latter, parents / legal representatives and educational guardians of the students should recognise CLIB’s Internal Regulation and subscribe to actively accept it, giving it full compliance.



a) The Internal Regulation consists of a group of norms and guidelines regarding the different structures at CLIB, contributing to its proper educational and organisational functioning, making possible its educational project.

b) The Regulation herein apply to the whole of CLIB’s School Community and the people who relate to it, without prejudice to the inclusion of other entities/services, namely the Management Team, teaching and non-teaching staff, students, parents / legal representatives and educational guardians, as well as other employees who work for CLIB, or services providers with functions at it.

c) The Internal Regulation abides to the Portuguese laws, and any situations of omission that may arise are target of the interpretation and decision of the School’s Management Team, based on best practise and the legislation in place.

d) CLIB is a private School containing Pre-School, Junior, Middle and Senior School, divided into three different departments:

i. Infant Department – composed of Pre-Prep and Prep;

ii. Lower School – composed of Reception to Form 4;

iii. Upper School – subdivided into two, composed of Form 5 to Form 8 and Form 9 to Form12.

e) CLIB therefore targets children between the ages of 3 and 18 years.


a) Every applicant will be considered at CLIB despite their race, ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, religion or nationality.

b) The admission of candidates is based on assessment of documentation and an interview (by an interviewing member appointed by the Management Team) with the prospective candidate and his/her family, where essential information about CLIB’s educational model will be provided.


a) The Management Team is responsible for the enrolment, registration and registration renewal of all students.

b) Any student’s enrolment, registration or registration renewal will require the acknowledgement and formal acceptance of the Internal Regulation, as well as the completion and signing of the enrolment form and corresponding accession declaration, thus binding the student, parents / legal representatives and educational guardian to it.

c) The enrolment form marks the beginning of a contractual arrangement between CLIB and the student, when above legal age, or between CLIB and the parents / legal representatives and educational guardian of the student, requiring the signature of both parties in this case.

d) The enrolment, registration or registration renewal will be validated following the submission of the solicited documents and upon payment of the required fees.

e) Upon enrolment and registration of new students, the school uniform should be ordered, being subject to pre-payment.

f) CLIB reserves the right of, upon decision of the Management Team, not accepting or annulling the enrolment and registration of a candidate who raises reservations with regards to the full acceptance and compliance to the Internal Regulation and CLIB’s educational project, or who does not integrate in full in the School Community, as well as the rights of not accepting the registration renewal when the student, parents / legal representatives or educational guardian, throughout the previous academic year, engaged in any action which resulted in the violation of the duties, main or secondary, which ensure this institution, abides to norm number 40.

g) CLIB’s initiative to attract new students through the families of students who are already enrolled works in the following: a family brings a new family and receives a refund of the value equivalent to that of a re-enrolment (€ 190,00) in their bill, notwithstanding the fact that this procedure does not apply to the enrolment of siblings.


a) The educational guardian is responsible for the student within CLIB and must guarantee school attendance, punctuality and discipline of such student.

b) The educational guardian is recognised in the enrolment form as an entity with legal power, according to the Statute of Student and School Ethics.

c) The educational guardian is also responsible, together with the parents / legal representatives or others specified on the enrolment form, for the payment of fees owed by the student who is attending CLIB.


a) Student’s attendance at CLIB is supported by, in every academic year, a contract established between CLIB and the student, when above legal age, or between CLIB and the parents / legal representatives and educational guardian, effective upon the completion of the enrolment form.

b) Attendance at CLIB also implies compliance by students, parents / legal representatives and educational guardians of a group of duties defined in the present Regulation as well as in other CLIB norms.

c) The Management Team is the entity responsible for disciplinary action, and consequently holds the decision-making power in situations of exclusion of students or non-renewal of registration, according to norm number 40.


a) Fees owed for enrolment, registration and registration renewal are posted annually by CLIB’s Board of Directors on the restricted area of the website, together with the monthly fees table, being subsequently communicated to parents / legal representatives and educational guardians, or students above the legal age.

b) The school insurance is included in the registration fees.

c) As well as the fees owed following the enrolment, registration or registration renewal, CLIB will charge parents / legal representatives and educational guardians, or students above the legal age, the expenses that result from the optional services provided by or through CLIB, namely the meal services, activities that complement the curriculum, the extra-curricular activities, the transport, overtime hours, the phone calls, bar consumption, photocopying, amongst others.

d) Upon enrolment, registration, or registration renewal, the payment of the respective fees must be made.

e) Values charged for the fees vary between € 562,00 (minimum) and € 845,00 (maximum), depending on the year and the number of subjects taken by the student.

f) When the fees referred to on the previous paragraph are charged, the payment of the first monthly fee will be charged to all students who have enrolled for the first time at CLIB, as well as to the students already enrolled and belonging to Forms 10, 11 or 12.

g) When time comes to renew student’s registration, CLIB’s Management Team reserves itself the right to charge a deposit of an equivalent amount to two monthly fees, corresponding to the first and last month of the academic year, whenever the parents / legal representatives or educational guardian have not abided to the fee payment obligation during the previous academic year, independently of the sanction specified in norm 39 having been applied or not.

h) The parents / legal representative and educational guardians shall, upon registering the student, or renewal of the registration, provide the necessary data for the use of the direct debit system through which the payments owed to CLIB will be made.

i) The payment of the school fees, extra services, uniform, books and other materials, trips and other services offered by CLIB will be made on a monthly basis, on the first working day of every month, through the direct debit system, taking into account the bills emitted by CLIB through the reserved area of the website, on the last days of the previous month.

j) The direct debit system is the only payment method accepted by CLIB.

k) CLIB reserves the right to withdraw any bank or administrative expenses resulting from the rejection or return of values sent to be charged by the direct debit system, between the values of € 8,00 and € 10,00, depending on what is charged by the bank.

l) The Board of Directors reserves the right to charge a daily extra fee to parents / legal representatives and educational guardians, or students when above legal age, according to what is defined by law regarding late-payment or outstanding monthly fees.

m) The prolonged absence of a student, for any particular reason, implies that the payment of the respective fees should be made to guarantee placement that has been assigned to the student.

n) Under no circumstances will there be a deduction in fees due to absence of students in classes or the non-use of any other services offered by CLIB.

o) In case of a withdrawal from CLIB after the start of each one of the three terms, under no circumstances will any money be refunded and all fees owing up to the end of that same term have to be paid by parents / legal representatives and educational guardians.

p) In case of default of the payment obligation, CLIB reserves the right of applying the measures highlighted in norm number 39 of the present Regulation, and subsidiary or cumulatively apply the debtor control methods provisioned by law.


a) The school calendar is set annually by the Management Team and published on the school website.

b) In the Infant Department, Pre Prep and Prep may attend school during the mid-term breaks and the month of July, so CLIB will only be closed on bank holidays, which are indicated on the school calendar.


a) The school office is open every weekday from 9am to 6pm.

b) In the Infant Department, activities for Pre Prep and Prep start at 9am and end at 5pm.

c) Lower School and Upper School have classes from 8:40am to 4pm, except for exceptions that may spring from subject choices that will eventually not allow for the timetable to be organised during this period, leading to lessons after 4pm.

d) Lunch schedules are as follows:

i. Pre Prep and Prep – from 11:15am to 12:30pm;

ii. Lower School – from 12:20pm to 1:20pm;

iii. Upper School – from 12:45pm to 1:45pm.

e) In the Infant Department, Pre Prep and Prep have a resting period after lunch from 12.30pm to 2pm.

f) All students who are not involved in an extracurricular activity (CLIBclub) are entitled to extended hours after school, which is an optional service at a cost of € 5,00 per exceeding hour in school each day. The time that students leave the school premises must coincide with the time students swipe their cards, so that this register will be used to keep a record of the extended hours.

g) In order to ensure the security of the students, it is vital that parents and family members are not engaging in conversations within the school campus, ensuring this only occurs when they are called into CLIB for specific events.

h) Lower School students who opt for extended hours will be supervised by an assistant in an allocated area.

i) Upper School students who opt for extended hours must stay in the canteen, where they can be with their friends while being supervised.

j) After school, students who opt for extended hours will not be permitted outside the designated areas as there will be no supervision available in other areas and all other school areas will be occupied by CLIBclub activities, or cleaning will be taking place, and there is no supervision.

k) Sports facilities are reserved for CLIBclubs and Sports Teams activities and are not supervised, thus its use is restricted in the period after school.


a) The school gates are open daily from 8am to 9am, for easier access to the school.

b) Parents / legal representatives or educational guardians are the ones responsible to ensure their child has entered the school.

c) Upon arrival in the morning, all students should be left at the entrance to be supervised by an assistant who will lead them to classrooms, so parents / legal representatives or educational guardians should not accompany the students to their classrooms.

d) To access CLIB during school hours, when the gates are closed, visitors must ring the bell on the top gate at Rua da Laje and identify themselves.


a) At the time of the student’s enrolment, a form is provided to the parents / legal representatives and educational guardians to fill out, stating whether they allow their child to participate in local trips or nearby outings, supervised by a teacher and/or assistant, and which will be communicated in advance.

b) Also at the time of the student’s enrolment, the school provides the parents / legal representatives and educational guardians a form to fill out, listing the names of those who are (herein after referred to as companions) authorized to pick up the student from school at the end of activities.

c) Whenever there is any change in the list of companions, parents / legal representatives or educational guardians must inform CLIB, in writing.

d) A CLIB assistant will be available to call the students when their companions arrive to take them home.

e) Those with authorisation to pick up students must, when necessary, form a line just outside the school premises, in order to inform the assistant at the gate that the student will be leaving so that the leaving time can be accurately registered.

f) The assistant at the gate is also responsible for the daily record of Lower School students’ companions, which is not applicable to Upper School students.

g) Please refrain from making conversation with the assistant at the gate, unless it is related to registering the leaving time of the student from the school gates, or with providing the identification of the person responsible for collecting the student.

h) Parents / legal representatives or educational guardians who wish to allow their child to leave the school without an authorized companion must inform the Office of this intention, in writing, keeping in mind that the time of departure in these cases is at 4pm.

i) All students should leave the school premises when classes end at 4pm, except for the following:

j. students previously signed up for extended hours;

jj. Forum students may use the study room;

jjj. students who have CLIBclubs must go to the canteen at 4:10pm to be registered and be picked up by the teacher.


a) CLIB has its own canteen which provides a meal service for all students on a daily basis and it offers: a main dish, an optional “diet” meat dish, an optional “diet” fish dish, and a vegetarian dish.

b) Meal choices should be made before the start of each term and booked online by parents / legal representatives or educational guardians, so CLIB will only accept choices completed before the stipulated deadline for each trimester.

c) CLIB will not accept any meal changes after the stipulated date, except if for a special dietary reason on occasion due to illness, which must be informed until 9am on the specific day to be considered.

d) The cancellation of a meal on a particular day, due to illness or temporary absence, must be renewed on the following day(s).

e) Parents / legal representatives or educational guardians who wish for students to have lunch in school during mid-term breaks, or during the month of July, must make the order of the meals for that specific period in advance.

f) The price of meals is listed in the table of monthly school fees, being the daily meals registered in the canteen with the electronic student card.


a) School textbooks, exercise books (with the CLIB logo) and any other required materials will be supplied by CLIB and the cost will be included in the monthly invoice.

b) In some cases, students will be given a list of school supplies they must buy prior to the beginning of each school year.

c) CLIB will not be held responsible for possible changes in titles/editions of books that may occur by suppliers’ demand during the order/delivery process of school books.


a) All CLIB students have the rights that are legally consecrated, namely in the Portuguese
Constitution, in the Education System Basis Law, in the Private and Cooperative Education
BasisLaw, in the Private and Cooperative Statutes regarding lower, middle and upper school, Students and Ethics Statutes, as well as others conferred by this Internal Regulation;
b) The students have the right, among others, to:
i.  benefit from quality formation and education on equal terms regarding its access;
ii. be recognized and valued by merit, dedication, work effort and school performance,
as well as to be encouraged to do so;
iii. be treated with respect and humanity by any member of the school community and,
therefore, cannot, in any way, be discriminated against on grounds of race, ethnic origin,
gender, sexual orientation, religion, nationality or others;
iv. be promptly assisted in the event of an accident or sudden illness manifested in the
course of school activities;
v. participate in CLIB initiatives, namely those which promote the formation and leisure
vi. offer suggestions or submit complaints by speaking to the Form Teacher or by
submitting a written document to CLIB Management Team;

Without prejudice to other duties provided for in the Internal Regulation, students have,
among others,the following responsibilities:
a) To study and engage in their formation and integral education;
b) To be assiduous and punctual;
c) To follow the instructions of the Management Team, teachers and remaining
non-teaching staff;
d) To treat with respect and humanity every member of the school community,
thus refraining to discriminate on grounds of race, ethnic origin, gender,
sexual orientation, religion, nationality or others;
e) To contribute to the harmony of the school environment and to the full
integration of all students in CLIB;
f) To participate in formation and educational activities at CLIB, as well
as other activities that require the participation of students;
g) Carry out IGCSE, ALevel and Trinity exams in the years indicated by
CLIB. These exams are compulsory;
h) To respect the physical and psychological integrity of all members of
the school community and not practicing any acts that violate their
physical, moral or patrimonial integrity;
i) To ensure the preservation, conservation and tidiness of the school
facilities, teaching materials, furniture and green spaces of CLIB, by
making correct use of them;
j) To know and comply with the Internal Regulation, as well as the
operational rules of CLIB’s services;
k) To not carry any materials, technological equipment, instruments
or devices that can, objectively, disturb the normal functioning of
school or leisure activities, or that can cause physical or psychological
harm to any student or other member of the school community;
l) To not sell or facilitate the sale of products between students;
m) Students should never bring money to CLIB, unless requested for an activity,
in which case the school will inform in advance;
n) To repair all damages caused to school community members, equipment,
school facilities or other in which occur activities related to CLIB and to
compensate the injured regarding the caused damages if it is not possible
or sufficient to repair them.




R. da Igreja Velha – Gualtar
4710 – 069 Braga, Portugal
(+351) 253 679 860


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