25 Jun 2019

Award for International understanding ECIS – 2019

Maria Afonso Pereira has been nominated to receive the ECIS Award for International Understanding in June 2019. We warmly congratulate her on this achievement.

ECIS established this prize to give public recognition to those who best exemplify the principles of good international citizenship. It is not only an acknowledgement of the achievements to date, but also a strong hope that the nominee’s future will continue to be marked by a commitment to goodwill and understanding amongst all peoples. It is recognised that the international education Maria experienced has clearly given her an uncommon perspective on both the potential and the means for co-operation amongst those of very difficult backgrounds and she is trust to continue to use her special talents and perspective recognised in the ECIS award for furtherance of international understanding. Congratulations Maria! We and ECIS are very proud and counting on you for a better future!