13 Sep 2019

CLIB completed 20 years

On September 13th, 2019, CLIB celebrated its 20th anniversary. To mark this special anniversary, at the end of the day, CLIB’s community gathered at the school. Students, staff, family and friends, who shared with us these 20 years of international education in Braga didn’t want to miss this special celebration.

In a ceremony fully prepared by the students, there were many testimonies and affections shared with pride and complicity, smiles and hugs, and many reasons to celebrate!

As a family celebration, the alumni and their families were also represented in person or with recorded congratulatory messages, which came to us from various corners of Portugal and the world. Obviously, the birthday wishes were replicated in 24 different languages, representing the 33 nationalities of CLIB families in this school year.

It was with the presentation of the nine pieces that represent CLIBBERS’ values ​​that the students completed the CLIB puzzle, showing a school with a holistic, intercultural and inclusive educational project.

Congratulations, CLIB!