Science Week 2022
After a two-year interregnum, CLIB finally returned with the Science, Computing and Mathematics week, full version, which had, once again, its high point on Wednesday, with the Science Fair, already without any restrictions. Given its importance for the future, and given the current international panorama, we decided to use this week to dig in on renewable energies, with presentations, lectures and videos that sought to explore its importance in the Energy Transition that we are already living, and particularly the contribution that fossil free fuels can have in this process. However, the stars of the week were our students. After two years, we were apprehensive about their ability to mobilize and develop projects with value, especially the younger ones who had never participated and perhaps even seen a science fair. This fear proved to be unfounded: the work developed exceeded all expectations, having been widely appreciated and valued by the external jury that so kindly assisted us on this day. The bar for next year’s Science, Computing and Mathematics Week has once again been raised. Let it come!