Commencement 2021
The graduation ceremony of the finalist classes of 2021 took place last June 30th.
The “Commencement” ceremony is undoubtedly the highest closing moment of the school year, that we prepare and live so intensely. The graduation of the Form 12 class and their farewells was carried out, as usual, with great emotion and joy. The classes of 2021 presented themselves with pride, complicity and especially involved in this party that they looked forward to so anxiously.
One by one, the Form 12 graduates received their final diplomas, sharing meaningful testimonies of their journey at CLIB. Form 4 and Prep students also received their diplomas and honors, with their families applauding effusively, welcoming them in the new cycle ahead. For posterity, we will remember the proud smiles and victorious hugs and emotions that we share in such symbolic moments in our lives.